Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Wow, what a month.  There was so much going on, there were times I may have forgotten to breathe. We had all kind of moving surrounding our home.  A friend had stored items in our spare room, and came to fetch them.  Moving out.  We decided to rent part of our home to friends just returning to Sedona.  Moving In.  We had a wedding camping trip to attend. Moving out and In.  Then I went to Minnesota for a major moving out. Coming home it was time to re-adjust our space, as we now have two less rooms.  Whew...  Deep breath, and another.  Breathe in love, breathe out fear.  Breath in love, breath out anxiety, breathe in love... breathe deeply.  Ahhhhhhh... 

I recently took a trip to Minnesota to help my Mom complete the packing of her house and move out.  The first day she took a break and we spent time together.  The rest of the week we were going from morning till night.  Thank God others had helped packed parts of the house previously.  Looking back I am still amazed at the strength my Mother has.  Both physical and emotional.  I broke down in tears at least two times.  Forgetting to eat, becoming exhausted and continuing on are a recipe to breaking down.  I moved through so many emotions during this process and  yet, there was my Mom stoically moving forward.  When I asked her how she does it, she simply responded it's my stuff I have to move it out.  We completed packing and loading up the storage container with all her stuff  and cleaning the house for the new owners in four days.  (We did have a mover)  The fifth day we ran errands completing the process of selling a home, and she joked that she is now homeless.  All of her belongings from her entire life are in a container, like a small semi, that is being stored until she finds a place to live.  Exhausted with offers of places to stay, she chose to stay with her sister who is still recovering from a stroke.  She can then provide a little bit of assistance to her sister until, her new home is ready.  Amazing woman, my Mother.

While assisting my Mom, I found myself moving through many different emotions and feelings and releasing on a very deep level.  I had a few boxes of my own that needed to be sorted and found myself surrounded by pictures of my life.  I spent one evening going through all of them.  One by one, I looked at them and remembered and decided if it was something I needed to have, to remember, or if I could let it go.  I let go, and threw away many many pictures, it was to much.  I was excited to have the books I had given to my Dad and to have a lawn Angel from Mom's yard.  As exhausted and overwhelmed as it got, I am so thankful I was able to be there to help her.  I am also grateful that the two of us never had a need to argue, we just worked and when we had the chance talked.  I learned a lot from my Mom and am glad I had the opportunity to be there with her during another life transition.

It was an intense month, not only for me but for many of us it seems.  My month clearly identified the movement, but with most people it was more personal, more emotional, possibly more hidden.  Monthly I read the forecast from The Power Path.  I have found it interesting and helpful when experiencing something to know I am not alone in that experience and this site helps to outline some of the changes and shifts occurring each  month.    


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