Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Do Monuments Honor or Re-Victimize?

I have been feeling like writing in the last few weeks and realize it is Spirit nudging me.  I decided a good way to start would be to look at previous writings.  In doing so I found this blog posting and it seemed fitting to re-post now. This was originally published on my website   Spirit Heart Sedona. 

Image result for free pictures of 9/11 monument

June 24, 2015   
by, Linda M. Garcia

Do Monuments Honor or Re-Victimize?

While visiting with friends who had just returned from New York City, I found myself pondering a question.  Do National Monuments, like the 911 National Memorial Monument at the site of the Twin Towers honor those who died or re-victimize those of us who experienced it, by keeping it alive.
Listening to my friend I could see she experienced all kinds of emotions at this site.  By the time she was done sharing her experience all I could think about was how it sounded horrific to be at this monument.  It seemed to me she relived the experiences of that day when the Twin Towers came down and was extremely overwrought.  I stated, “It sounds like you were re-victimized by this experience.”  I found it interesting that her adult daughter who had been with her, heard my statement and with big eyes, nodded, affirmatively.
That conversation occurred a few weeks ago and yet it keeps popping into my head.  Part of what we teach here at SpiritHeart, Sedona is to look at the stories we tell ourselves, and if we do not want to continue to live those stories we need to change them.  For example, getting fired from a job is scary, but instead I allowed it to catapult me forward in beginning my own business.  It was something I had thought about, but had not moved toward because I was comfortable and stable where I was at.  I needed to get uncomfortable to begin the process of creation and development of my dreams.  Something negative can be turned into something positive!
There is no excuse for the type of violence that occurred on 9/11 or that continues to occur around the globe.  However, let us not forget how 911 brought us together as a country and a world of humanity that grieved deeply, for those lost and their families.  For a Country that was shaken to the core, that something so horrific could happen on our land.
Is there a way for us to change how we view that “story?”  It may be difficult at this moment in time to change the story as so much more violence has occurred since then, in the name of those who lost their lives!  Yet, I believe we can choose what we remember. We do it all the time!
In this moment I will choose to change the story in my mind.  I will remember how people from around the City of New York rallied to rescue those who were near and still alive, the boat owners who offered an escape from the city to those who needed it and how Humanity as a whole, felt empathy and love for those who were suffering as a result of this occurrence.
I will remember where I was on September 11, 2001 and how we came together and grieved and celebrated our oneness and the fact that we were/are still alive.
I ask you to think about our Monuments, and ask yourself, do they really honor those who lost their life, or re-victimize those who see them and keep us in fear?  What are their purpose? 

In Gratitude,
Linda G

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