Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Wow, what a month.  There was so much going on, there were times I may have forgotten to breathe. We had all kind of moving surrounding our home.  A friend had stored items in our spare room, and came to fetch them.  Moving out.  We decided to rent part of our home to friends just returning to Sedona.  Moving In.  We had a wedding camping trip to attend. Moving out and In.  Then I went to Minnesota for a major moving out. Coming home it was time to re-adjust our space, as we now have two less rooms.  Whew...  Deep breath, and another.  Breathe in love, breathe out fear.  Breath in love, breath out anxiety, breathe in love... breathe deeply.  Ahhhhhhh... 

I recently took a trip to Minnesota to help my Mom complete the packing of her house and move out.  The first day she took a break and we spent time together.  The rest of the week we were going from morning till night.  Thank God others had helped packed parts of the house previously.  Looking back I am still amazed at the strength my Mother has.  Both physical and emotional.  I broke down in tears at least two times.  Forgetting to eat, becoming exhausted and continuing on are a recipe to breaking down.  I moved through so many emotions during this process and  yet, there was my Mom stoically moving forward.  When I asked her how she does it, she simply responded it's my stuff I have to move it out.  We completed packing and loading up the storage container with all her stuff  and cleaning the house for the new owners in four days.  (We did have a mover)  The fifth day we ran errands completing the process of selling a home, and she joked that she is now homeless.  All of her belongings from her entire life are in a container, like a small semi, that is being stored until she finds a place to live.  Exhausted with offers of places to stay, she chose to stay with her sister who is still recovering from a stroke.  She can then provide a little bit of assistance to her sister until, her new home is ready.  Amazing woman, my Mother.

While assisting my Mom, I found myself moving through many different emotions and feelings and releasing on a very deep level.  I had a few boxes of my own that needed to be sorted and found myself surrounded by pictures of my life.  I spent one evening going through all of them.  One by one, I looked at them and remembered and decided if it was something I needed to have, to remember, or if I could let it go.  I let go, and threw away many many pictures, it was to much.  I was excited to have the books I had given to my Dad and to have a lawn Angel from Mom's yard.  As exhausted and overwhelmed as it got, I am so thankful I was able to be there to help her.  I am also grateful that the two of us never had a need to argue, we just worked and when we had the chance talked.  I learned a lot from my Mom and am glad I had the opportunity to be there with her during another life transition.

It was an intense month, not only for me but for many of us it seems.  My month clearly identified the movement, but with most people it was more personal, more emotional, possibly more hidden.  Monthly I read the forecast from The Power Path.  I have found it interesting and helpful when experiencing something to know I am not alone in that experience and this site helps to outline some of the changes and shifts occurring each  month.    


Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Moses Code

I watched the movie the Moses Code last month and was surprised that I had seen it before.  I remember it making an impression on me at that time, but not like it did this time.  In the docu-movie, James F Twyman, talks about the phrase, "I am that I am" how we've heard it before, and changes it to "I am that, I am."  In doing so the emphasis is quite different and much more specific and suggestive.  In hearing or saying I am that I am, to me, it simply means I am who I am, not changing any particular idea of who I am.  The theory behind the coma, is part of the acceptance that we are all one, being all one we have everything within us.  We simply have had different training and experience giving us different talents and skills.  Using the shift caused by the coma, we can change our perception of our abilities.  For example, if I see a person who has a trait that I admire but I do not feel strongly in myself, I think of that person and say "I am that, I am".  This allows my "being" to accept that I have those qualities in me and allows those qualities to grow and surface. I feel using this simple technique is allowing me to expand and be open to gaining skills and opportunities I did not see before. I think it's worth the viewing. 

Wikipedia: The film builds on the principles espoused in The Secret contending that Moses was given a "code of creation" by God. The movie suggests spiritual and emotional uses for "The Moses Code" rather than the material ones implied by The Secret.

Monday, August 30, 2010

We are Spirit

As I was checking e-mails the other day I noticed there was a Sweat Lodge this Saturday.  I mentioned it to my partner and we had a discussion that led me to check out a website for the Institute for Cultural Awareness.  Once there I was led to an interview.  As I was reading this interview of Adam Yellowbird DeArmon, I had one of those aha! feelings.  That is what I will share with my readers.  Below are a few quotes from this interview and my thoughts to follow.

"One of the most important messages that we are receiving from the Elders at this time is about our SELF...  that it is time to reprogram, restructure, refocus the reflection back to our SELF.  It is about healing the memory.  When we do it for our self, we can then move forward and also do it in our family and our community and beyond."  

"The Elders are also speaking about the connection between the body, heart and spirit... how they are all essential in healing this memory."

"But by focusing on the body and getting it into divine alignment with the heart, that connection to spirit is instantly brought through.  It is not that we have to go anywhere to find spirit, it is already here... we are already it. "

(These few paragraphs are quotes from an article at www.ica8.org, click news updates, Dancing with the Earth through Times of Change, Ron LaPlace interviews Adam Yellow bird DeArmon)

 Right on, We are Spirit - Spirit is us!  Let Spirit Lead the Way.  When I first left my life in Minnesota I came to realize I needed to just stop doing and be.  To accept that I did not need to have it all figured out and that it was okay to just relax.  It was a way to find who I was.  Not my occupation, not my position in my family or any other label I had put on myself at that time.  Who was I?  Then came who am I in relation to others?  But first it was all me.  I found out I am an artist, a painter and a poet.  I am also a teacher, a healer... a "Spirit" in a human body.  A part of GUS(God Universe Spirit) not separate from.

"it is time to reprogram, restructure, refocus the reflection back to our SELF"  When I read this, it reminded me of the term re-learn, that friends and I have used, but re-program is much more accurate.  I have taken the time to look at my belief structure, where it came from and how it fit into the world today.  I found for me much of it did not fit.  A lot of our schools teach us through memorization "programming".  We do not teach our children how to reason, to problem solve, to think for themselves.  We do not know as a people how to identify and discuss our emotions our feelings.  We know how to communicate on an intellectual level, but not on a feeling level.  Politicians and the news media have soundbites.  Many of us do not know how to listen beyond a sound bite. 

I have looked at my education formal and cultural and decide for myself what fit with the loving being I want to be, not with the being I was.  My view of life and what is important to me is much different today then it was 10 years ago, yet all of my experiences are important.  They made me who I am, so no regrets, just changes in perspective.  I have found life to be an amazing journey.  I have had wonderful teachers, strangers, that taught me the gift of trust and encouragement.  I learned to love myself first and then share that love with others.  I continue to learn about so many things and I realize it is all of the information that surrounds me that I want to share with my readers.  Sooo...

Another website I would like to recommend is, www.shiftoftheages.com. The shift of the Ages film shares the Mayan Cosmo-Vision and prophecy through the wisdom and teachings of Grandfather Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, also known as Wandering Wolf, Grand Elder of the living Maya.

The Institute for Cultural Awareness, of which Adam Yellowbird is President, sponsored Wandering Wolf and the the film crew to Sedona a few years ago and invited the community to participate in lectures and ceremonies.  During the visit, I was able to attend most of them.  I truly felt blessed to be in the presence of this gentle yet powerful man.  The world is not coming to an end, it is changing, and rapidly, but we all know that, right?  Wandering Wolf is traveling the world to get the Mayan Prophecies out to the people.  Our world is indeed in a time of change and his message is very important.  It is our responsibility to heal ourselves and to heal the Earth.  We are the ones that have injured her it is time to take care of her.  What Adam said, in his interview I think is important, in my words, through healing ourselves we begin the process of healing our families, our neighbors, all of humanity and our lovely Mother Earth.  And so it is.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Purpose of Blog

My intention for this blog is to give insights as they arise in me.  I am writing this blog because I simply felt inspired to do so.  Sometimes I feel I have so much to share but do not know how or who to share it with.
I am a Spiritual Counselor/Teacher, Artist, and Poet in Sedona, Arizona. I have many thoughts and ideas about what is happening in the world and am excited about the possibilities of the future. Many of us are going through difficult times and I will share what I have learned and continue to learn that helps me deal with uncertainties and changes.  I am in the process of creating my own divination system, and developing a workshop about connecting to the Earth.  I hope to be sharing these experiences as well as other things that come to mind to help us through this shift of the ages.   

Let Spirit Lead the Way.  What does this mean, Let Spirit Lead the Way?  To me "Spirit" means my personal connection to Source, to G.U.S.(God Universe Spirit.)   Some may call it my Soul, Higher Self, Over Soul...  It doesn't matter what you call it, I just know that when ever I am "doing" what I am supposed to be doing, I am being led by "My Spirit" my connection to G.U.S.  When I am doing something with another human being I am being guided by both of our "Spirits." Thus, I am allowing Spirit to lead me in the creation of this blog and in all of the work that I do. 

G.U.S. God Universe Spirit.  Where did that come from you may ask? About 10 years ago I was going through a difficult time and was a bit angry at God.  Because of this anger I was uncomfortable with the term God.  I did not understand it.  I did not know if I believed God existed.  I did not want to hear about "Him".

On some level, I knew I was not alone, I knew that everything would be all right, but I wasn't sure what that meant.  I had sold my home and quit my job due to burnout and other circumstances.  I thought I would travel for a few months to see what was next.  My home at the time was surrounded by a group of people in transition from one way of living to another.  We all landed in a small RV Park in Sedona AZ, it was in 2001, the spring/summer before 9/11. A number of us had left our careers and were searching for something more important.  We read philosophy books studied other religions and belief systems.  Most of us had been raised under some form of Christianity.  We wanted to believe in something, we just were not sure what to call "It".  During a  conversations with a friend, one of us used the term GUS, labeling it God Universe Spirit.  We had used the term Universe and Spirit in our spiritual discussions, (as a label or reference to a higher power) but I think we both felt something was missing.  I was immediately comfortable with G.U.S.  I like to reference G.U.S. because it is not Catholic, or Jewish, or Lutheran, or Muslim, or Christian...  It encompasses all religions, all who believe in some higher power.

So in this blog, I will write about whatever pops into my head that I feel is Spirit Led.  I may pick a topic and talk about the different perspectives I've read or just state what I believe is important.  I imagine at times it will be GUS asking me to speak, to share some piece of wisdom.  I am not exactly sure what will come of it.  It was Spirit inspired and will be Spirit Led.

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