Monday, December 3, 2012

Fall/Winter and the Medicine Wheel

For the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about creating a schedule, so I have time for painting, and hiking, and reading, and writing; things beyond working & caring for our home.  However, we have had such a beautiful fall season here in Sedona, and with temps near 70 degrees today I decided to go for a walk by the creek instead. I figured two hours at the creek, come home work on schedule and write blog.  I spent 5 hours at the creek.  Talk about a lesson in going with the flow.

While at the creek I meditated asking:  “What should I write about this month?”  I saw an image of myself creating a schedule and then realized I could not follow it.  It is not how I live my life anymore.  It is not how I want to live my life.  I shook it off and listened; to the water flow in the creek, the rapids a bit down stream, the soft breeze flowing through the trees; and I felt the sun caressing my face with it’s warm rays. 

Then I began hearing words, I heard a voice say “Talk about the seasons, the 4 directions, the flow of life.  We are transitioning from fall to winter, talk about what impact the change in season may have on how we feel, think and spend our time…”  Whoa, okay, I'll do my best. 

FALL, as the days get shorter and colder there is a tendency to slow down.  It is the time of the West.  It is the place where the sun sets, the home of the Bear, the keeper of the sacred dream.  “The Bear goes to into her cave and hibernates, taking some time to digest her year and her life so far.  So it is with our lives.  We must stop and see where we’ve been, receiving the lesson before we begin again.” Desert Tuesdays, David J. Davis

This is the time for us to quiet our mind, as we quiet our bodies.  The days are shorter indicating a natural tendency to spend more time at home, indoors, away from others.  Our need for sleep increases and our entire system really wants to slow down.  This is the time to look back at our goals, our accomplishments, our disappointments; it is a time of self-reflection, examination, hibernation.  The West, the Bear, says slow down, go with your flow of energy, do not allow the outside world to dictate what you do and when you do it.

December 21, is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, this occurs annually between Dec. 20-23 when the sun reaches its most southerly declination.  This is the time we move into the North to winter. 

In the North we have, the White Buffalo and the Hummingbird.  It is about wisdom, prayer and gratitude.  It is the place of our ancestors, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, ancient memories, ancient wisdom.  The White Buffalo, representative of prayer and gratitude. The Hummingbird, who drinks directly from the nectar of life, not built for flight yet accomplishes the impossible journey. 

WINTER, beginning around December 22nd, the days slowly begin to get longer.  While still in hibernation like the Bear, White Buffalo says, it is a time to connect with your Spirit, your ancestors, your inner wisdom.  Hummingbird says it is the time to imagine the possibilities and dream the future into being.  It is the time to build on what has been working for you and let go of what hasn’t.  It is the time to prepare for the spring, when we plant our seeds and begin anew. 

This is the natural cycle of life. The seasons change and so should the expectations we have of ourselves of others.  Fall and winter are a time to slow down, assess where we’ve been.  To relax and be who we are.  It is a time to look inward for higher guidance and to begin the preparation for a new year, a new life, a new time. 

During this season of long nights and short days take time for you.  Time to remember who you are and what you desire.  Then prepare for the spring when life is new and fresh.  What do you want to plant in your future?  Take the time, listen to yourself, your higher guidance, your dream.  

Have Happy Love Filled December.

Linda G

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