Saturday, March 2, 2013

Seed your dreams

I was going to share my journeys to Hopi Land, however, Spirit guided me to share some of my recent thoughts and struggles with you. It was almost one year ago that I decided it was time to follow guidance from GUS, God Universe Spirit; to begin my own business and do healing and other intuitive work.  When I started I thought it was going to be fairly easy.  I had this amazing training, I believe in miracle healing from the work I do and I was just sure people who needed healing were going to find me.  I made sure I got the word out and I wrote up flyers and put together a web page and I rented an office/healing room so people could find me.  I quickly expanded the services I provided and was once again confident, thinking everyone would be interested in taking the course I developed.  It didn’t happen.  Oh I’ve had clients, but not enough.  I was beginning to question it all until now, as I realize I have learned so much in the past year and met so many wise teachers. It has been an absolutely amazing year.  I have no need to be discouraged I am just beginning.  One year is no time at all.  

I have so many ideas, projects and wandering thoughts about what I want to do that sometimes it's hard to see which one I should be putting my energy towards. So I futz with something, check email, read any number of things and not work on any of my ideas & projects. I was asked if I would be interested in hosting my own internet radio show on Voice America. The lady thought I might have good information to share.  She had checked out my website and maybe my blogs?  She seemed most interested in the Shamanic work I do and thought there were three different stations where I might fit in.  I was excited and said “yes, I am interested.”  

I had never thought of hosting a radio show?  When I was asked if I was interested in this opportunity I checked in with GUS and it seemed quite clear when I asked should we do this the response was, “We bring you the opportunities, it is up to you to decide if you want to take them or not.”  Okay…  Can we do this? ”Yes, we can do this.”  I began thinking about the radio show, what it would be about, who will guest host with me and on and on.  All of a sudden a week had passed and I had not given any attention to those other projects I was interested in.  Another week passed by and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, not really sure why?  But I started asking myself questions.  What is the real thing I want to do?  What brings me Joy?  How can I be of service to humanity, the planet and the universe?  What is the gift I am to bring to the world?  Phew, I’m tired, I don’t know if I want to do all that! 

I knew I was in need of extended quiet time, but I had not realized that I had not been meditating daily.  I was not connecting with GUS, I was not paying enough attention to my Soul self.  I was beginning to feel tired and overwhelmed because I was not tuned into me!  I took the time to connect today.  I became quiet. I grounded myself.  It really does help to calm the being, physically, mentally and emotionally, and of course allows for connecting to GUS.  I no longer feel overwhelmed, I know my timing is perfect.

We are nearing the end of winter.  Remember back a few months; Fall was about looking inward and letting go of what is no longer needed and Winter was about remaining in the quiet and listening for the wisdom of the Ancestors.  It fits that I have all of these ideas and projects on my mind, now is the time of creating, from the wisdom gained this winter.  These next few weeks are the right time to be narrowing down what I want in my life because come the Equinox, the Spring will have arrived and I want to be ready to seed my dreams. 
While creating my dreams I always ask myself, is this my idea, dream, passion?  Remember to let go of what is no longer needed, release the old beliefs, hurts and pains as they are no longer serving you.  Do the spring cleaning literally and figuratively.  Take the time to Stop.  Take a deep breath, let it out sloowwly and take another, hold this breath for a few seconds and release every last bit of air from your lungs… now take another deep breath, feel the air go all the way down to the tip of your lungs as your chest rises hold for a few seconds and release, returning to a normal breathing pattern.  Now, it is time to communicate with GUS (God Universe Spirit); become clear on what you want to manifest in this next cycle.  What dreams do you want your seeds to grow? 
In Gratitude,
Linda G 

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