Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jury Duty and Intuition

I feel like I've been called way to many times for jury duty, but today was the most interesting as I had to sit through the questioning of jurors.  Other times they asked all of us questions and during that time there was usually a reason I was let go.  Today however, they called upon 22 people immediately and the rest of us had to sit and watch!  Being aware that each time a juror was let go there was a possibility we could be called upon.

At about 2:30 in the afternoon, a woman was called up after another juror had been let go.  She answered the necessary questions and was kept up there.  A few moments later she raised her hand and informed the court that she was a bit concerned that she could not be an impartial juror.  She explained that she was an intuitive and that she does psychic readings over the phone for people.  She stated she knew if someone was lying on the stand or portraying themselves differently then they normally are, that she would be able to see the truth.  That her intuition would tell her if they were lying and thus she would be unable to go by what they say.  She would have to trust her intuition.  The look on the judges face was priceless!  He asked a few specific questions about how she does that and then asked her to explain further.  She gave an example of a situation in which she would not be able to decide based on the facts presented if they were not true, according to her intuition and she always trusts her intuition!  I loved her response!  The judge called the lawyers to the bench and she was recused.

I was not called upon for jury duty today, but writing this I now realize that it was my intuition that interfered with my ability to be a juror the last time I was called.  During the time when the judge was explaining the type of case it was, I was observing the officer seated next to the prosecuting attorney and the defendant.  In those few moments I received a clear sense of these two individuals and made up my mind. Thus, when they asked if anybody did not think they could be impartial because of the type of case I raised my hand.

As I write this I wonder.  All humans are intuitive.  Some are just more aware of their intuition and have learned to trust and work with it in how they make decisions.  I totally trust my gut feelings.  In addition to that I have also learned that with practice we all can become more aware of our intuitive hits, nudges, information . . .

. . . Is that a reason to be recused from a jury?  Most people read body language whether they are aware of it or not.  An intuitive goes beyond reading the body language and picks up on the true essence of that person.  I see pictures when looking into someones energy field.  I also have words or ideas pop into my head that I share with a person if I am doing an intuitive reading.  The truth is we all read between the lines.  Is the court asking us not to read between the lines?  Should we not use our knowledge of people to support us in making decisions?

What are your thoughts about using our intuition in the court system?  Please feel free to leave comments.

In Gratitude,
Linda G.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Am I an Artist?

Happy Heart

Hanging out in my art studio watching the birds fly outside the window day dreaming: I wondered Am I an artist?  I look at my paintings and feel joy as I remember what the painting represents to me. I think of driving down the gravel road in the middle of the desert and I smile at the beauty.  The shadow I see by the tawny grass.  The ridged side of the mountain walls in the winter sun.  I definitely think I have the soul of an artist, I see beauty in almost everything.  Whether it is a representative landscape or an abstract energy painting I enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoy painting them. I feel like an artist, although I do not earn a living as one I have sold paintings.  It is more a way of expressing myself and the beauty all around me.  Like writing poetry used to be, for now I paint. Definition of artist

Condor Flying
1. a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.
2. a person who practices one of the fine arts, especially a painter or sculptor.
3. a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.:
a commercial artist.
4. a person who works in one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer:
a mime artist; an artist of the dance.
5. a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.
6. a person who is expert at trickery or deceit:
He's an artist with cards.
7. Obsolete. an artisan.

I guess I could fall into one of those categories to be considered an artist.  What really matters however is how I define myself.  I say yes, I am an artist.  But that is only one of the many things that I do.  I am also a poet as I have written and published poetry.  So than the question really is not, Am I an artist/_______?  It is that I am Linda.  A spiritual being in a human body living on planet Earth  and I do many things, one of them being painting, creating art! 
Dancing Sycamore by Linda G
The I am question is always an interesting one.  We do many things and in our culture we than label ourselves based on those things that we do.  But really those labels are not who we are, they are what we do.  I am an artist, I am a driver, I am a manager, I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a friend, I am a lover, I am a wife, I am . . . "I am that I am."

If you are ever wondering yourself who and what you are remember you do many different things, but you are you no matter what you are doing.

In love and gratitude,
Linda G

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to handle the Precipice of life.

I wrote this in July 2015 for my business blog.  It seemed to fit for where the world is today and has some good reminders of how to handle the stress.  So I thought I would share it here at Let Spirit Lead The Way.  

Photo by Linda G
It feels like we are on the precipice of something big.  I woke up at 4:44 am a few days ago, then the next day I saw the clock at 3:33 am and fell back to sleep.  Later that day, I saw the clock at 3:33 pm and had a receipt for $3.33.  (I of course looked it up in my Angel Numbers book, but that’s another story.)  Isn’t that odd and interesting.
There was a time not to long ago, when I had a regular schedule and I knew what was happening when, so I just followed my schedule.  That old way of being seems to have vanished.  It has vanished because I am creating my world and feel like I am living so much more in the moment.  I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.  Okay, maybe a little idea, but not much.
I still have to breathe through some of these days when I cannot see the forest for the trees.  Mostly, I trust and have faith.  I am doing what I love to do.  I call on the Angels for clarity and support, I ask for guidance if I’m not sure what to do next and I get out in nature and meditate.  I am learning to think differently.  I say to myself, “In this moment all of my needs are met and I have an abundance of Joy and Love in my life.”  What more could I want.  I pray for those who I may be of assistance to and ask for their abundance as well.
Then I remember, “In my entire life I have always received what I needed and usually, so much more!”  And I am grateful, very grateful.  Worrying about something brings more worry, letting go and trusting you will receive, brings what you desire.  As someone else once said, “Have an attitude of gratitude” and I do.
In this ever changing world where reality is seen through the eyes of the beholder, it is necessary for all of us to close our eyes, take a big deep breath, release the breath as we open our eyes and look again.  What is right in front of us may not be seen if we do not look at it with clear new eyes.
Whatever is going on in your world that is causing you to wonder, What's up? Have faith, trust that you are right where you need to be and do what is in front of you to do.

In Gratitude and love,  
Linda G

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