Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jury Duty and Intuition

I feel like I've been called way to many times for jury duty, but today was the most interesting as I had to sit through the questioning of jurors.  Other times they asked all of us questions and during that time there was usually a reason I was let go.  Today however, they called upon 22 people immediately and the rest of us had to sit and watch!  Being aware that each time a juror was let go there was a possibility we could be called upon.

At about 2:30 in the afternoon, a woman was called up after another juror had been let go.  She answered the necessary questions and was kept up there.  A few moments later she raised her hand and informed the court that she was a bit concerned that she could not be an impartial juror.  She explained that she was an intuitive and that she does psychic readings over the phone for people.  She stated she knew if someone was lying on the stand or portraying themselves differently then they normally are, that she would be able to see the truth.  That her intuition would tell her if they were lying and thus she would be unable to go by what they say.  She would have to trust her intuition.  The look on the judges face was priceless!  He asked a few specific questions about how she does that and then asked her to explain further.  She gave an example of a situation in which she would not be able to decide based on the facts presented if they were not true, according to her intuition and she always trusts her intuition!  I loved her response!  The judge called the lawyers to the bench and she was recused.

I was not called upon for jury duty today, but writing this I now realize that it was my intuition that interfered with my ability to be a juror the last time I was called.  During the time when the judge was explaining the type of case it was, I was observing the officer seated next to the prosecuting attorney and the defendant.  In those few moments I received a clear sense of these two individuals and made up my mind. Thus, when they asked if anybody did not think they could be impartial because of the type of case I raised my hand.

As I write this I wonder.  All humans are intuitive.  Some are just more aware of their intuition and have learned to trust and work with it in how they make decisions.  I totally trust my gut feelings.  In addition to that I have also learned that with practice we all can become more aware of our intuitive hits, nudges, information . . .

. . . Is that a reason to be recused from a jury?  Most people read body language whether they are aware of it or not.  An intuitive goes beyond reading the body language and picks up on the true essence of that person.  I see pictures when looking into someones energy field.  I also have words or ideas pop into my head that I share with a person if I am doing an intuitive reading.  The truth is we all read between the lines.  Is the court asking us not to read between the lines?  Should we not use our knowledge of people to support us in making decisions?

What are your thoughts about using our intuition in the court system?  Please feel free to leave comments.

In Gratitude,
Linda G.

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