Tuesday, February 6, 2018

It's already February!

2018 Started off with a BANG!  It felt like the gates opened and we all began moving forward.  Some of us running, some of us reluctantly taking those first steps. It was full steam ahead, get moving, do something (preferably something you love and enjoy), move, take action!  No more stuck feeling of the past few years.  I thought about putting my art out into the world and with support from Hunny, We did it!  We even sold some pieces. Check us out here:  Spirit Heart Art 
Take action on your ideas, thoughts and dreams. 
Photo Courtesy of Wing

The full moon/blue moon/red moon/eclipse on January 31st seemed to shake everything up and I am not sure the dust has settled. I've noticed a bit of testiness within myself and others have commented on feeling the same.  Here at home it seems like we are shifting and moving through old stuff, allowing more depth and love to surface.  (after the tension and whatever is gone)  The theme at work has changed to "step it up or get out of the way."  It's like we are done with the old ways of doing things.  It is time for fresh starts and taking risks. Those who I notice taking that step forward in their life (what ever that may be) are feeling empowered and excited about the future.  Those who are stuck in their old ways, in fear of change, of the unknown..., they aren't doing as well. 

January flew by and we are already a week into February!  Slow down... I need to breathe!  I hear a lot of people saying this and have felt it myself a few times.  I have so many things I think of doing and there is only so much time.  I realized quickly, I can't do it all and do any of it well.  I also noticed if I don't take the time to breathe, to stare at the mountain, to just be...  I do not have the inspiration or the energy to create.  So even though things are moving positively I need to choose the pace at which I move.  A great start in the new year.

In Gratitude,
Linda G

How are things in your world?  Did you notice any shifts at the beginning of the new year? or during or after the full moon?

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